Saturday, April 1, 2017

My Supplies....

Today's post is going to be about the buisness aspect of my woodworking. As most of you probably know by now, I'm working hard to turn my woodworking into a business. I'm working on a couple of clocks, a shadow box, and (obviously) a lot of end grain cutting boards! I really love working in my garage, but I'm also enjoying the business aspect. Making a sale (I've only had a few, and they've been with people I know...) is an awesome feeling. Knowing that someone out there likes what you're doing, and they are willing to shell out their hard earned dollars to buy it...that's a humbling experience for me. It's also a motivation. Motivation to make the best product I can make. I research better techniques, materials, skills etc. I want my customers to be extremely happy with the product I deliver! 
My only issue now is that my sales are dependent heavily on face to face enteractions. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to make a sale no matter what! But I realize that the long term efficacy of my business relys heavily on reaching an audience out there in the trons! So my issue is this... Tomorros I run out of materials.... And I can't buy more unless I sell at least one more piece of my inventory! SO! Here comes the shameless plug.... I've got four cutting boards for sale, one of which I'll put the finishing touches on tomorrow. 
And here they are....
These can be found on my etsy page, which can be found on my main page. Please feel free to message me. We can discuss pricing, shipping costs, etc. I'm pretty flexible :) Look forward to hearing from you!                                                   

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